Small doses of gratitude

Small doses of gratitude

I’m taking my gratitude in small doses this year, like the kind of spoon sipping you do as you prepare a special meal. We won't have the whole gang around the table this time, but I plan to fill the empty chairs with happy memories. I believe laughter and love ingrain themselves in the wood [...]

Winter bake

Winter bake

Although Molly B's name is no longer part of this blog, her presence definitely is. It wafts up the stairs of our house trailing delicious smells from the oven. It rests lightly on a new cutting board, patiently cooling while we stand near, forks at the ready, drooling. Molly has been home on winter break [...]

Our Christmas Camelot

Our Christmas Camelot

Everyone has a Christmas Camelot -- that magical moment when you look around a room filled with all the people you love and your heart swells so big it nudges the tear ducts in your eyes. This year, our Christmas Camelot happened midway through the holidays on a frigid Thursday in Cecil, Wisconsin. Smoke curled [...]