I hope you dance

I hope you dance through your next decade.

I hope you wake up every morning so grateful for the opportunities the day will bring that you twirl in front of your bedroom mirror.

I hope I do too.

I want my stocking feet to dance so commonly across my kitchen floor that my Swiffer only gathers dust in the closet. I want to smile so wide my cheeks hurt every day, and to toss my head back so often when I laugh that my neck is grateful for my pillow when they find each other at the end of the day.

I want to enjoy the blessed myopia that comes with age, to focus so hard on the good things ahead that I just don’t see the tiny imperfections that stressed me out when I was young.

I hope I am grateful every day for every minute I get to spend with the people I love and that I don’t watch the clock when we’re together.

I hope I lead with kindness and follow with strength and keep my mind open to grow.

I hope I step to the music I hear, and that the music is rarely measured and never too far away.

I hope I dance, and that you dance and that one day, we can all dance together.

I posted this video of me dancing to Beyoncé’s “Texas Hold ‘Em” from her excellent new album Cowboy Carter because I am a big fan of kitchen dancing and this album, which is so layered and deep, and I hope you’ll give both a whirl.

I was pretty horrified after I posted it and required immediate reassurance from my kids. But, it’s out there now and, as one of my lovely offspring pointed out, you can’t write a post encouraging everyone to dance and then be embarrassed that you posted a video of yourself dancing.

So, I hope you dance! And I will too.

My friend Katie gave me this plaque and I try to honor it every day.
And here’s the video I posted. Let’s go!

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