Happy Groundhog Day in a Lambeau Leap year

Happy Groundhog Day in a Lambeau Leap year

New Jersey Margo reports sunny days ahead. It's easy for her to predict an early spring because she's been spreading sunshine since she was born, just after Groundhog Day one year ago. That means our own little groundhog celebrates her first birthday tomorrow. Of course, she sees blue skies, and happy times, and delicious cake [...]

Bring on the sun in 2021

Bring on the sun in 2021

It may be that I’ve been hibernating too long myself, but yesterday, rather than celebrating Groundhog Day with my usual its-almost-spring-even-though-it-really-isn’t optimistic zest, I felt a little sorry for all those groundhogs. I imagined myself being yanked from a sound slumber and held aloft, hair all matted, eyes blurry and sticky with sleep, frantically trying [...]