Downtown, where all the lights are bright…

Downtown, where all the lights are bright…

We love to walk south through our neighborhood, past stately old houses and front porch swings, over cheerful chalk drawings and railroad tracks. An easy mile brings us downtown, where all the lights are bright, even in the day. Saturday, we sipped Door County cherry lemonade and strolled through the Appleton Farmer's Market. The bounty [...]

Livin’ la Vida Polka

Livin’ la Vida Polka

The weather conditions could not have been better for us to introduce our two youngest children to the magic of Pulaski Polka Days. A booyah breeze wafted over us as we took our customary place in front of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary Church. Chubby babies meandered, proud veterans represented, and then, with [...]