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In addition to being Super Bowl Sunday, which stubbornly takes place even when the Packers aren’t playing in it, and Groundhog Day, a holiday our family has embraced with procrastinating pleasure, yesterday was also a palindrome

02/02/2020. It’s the same forward and backward.

Of course I love palindromes. I’m a mom. I have a niece named Hannah and a young friend named Otto.

But I also love perspective and the opportunity it gives us to grow.

Other than palindromes, very little looks the same forwards and backwards, or inside and out.

Childhood seems endless looking forward and barely a moment looking back.

The same sun offers yellow optimism as it rises and purple peace as it sets.

I thought about all of this yesterday as I sat under a bridge pretending to be a troll with a young friend of mine.

From above the bridge looked sturdy, safe and ordinary. From below, though, that bridge looked cool, mysterious and interesting. I liked its patterns and the way they slowly disolved into a point.

We should look at people that way, I think, consider every perspective, appreciate that every single person changes, hopefully grows, just a little bit every single day.

I enjoyed the opportunity to have a good think on palindrome day and to ponder the fact that rats live on no evil star.

I wonder what they’ll be thinking when 12/12/2121 rolls around?

I liked the perspective of this bridge at Memorial Park…and then we made our way underneath.
It looked cool underneath too, and offered an entirely different perspective.
Unseasonably warm temperatures yesterday offered me another chance to see life the Joni Mitchell way. I put the top down on my Bug and took a little drive, breathing fresh air from both sides now and catching the pre-game sunset from up and down across the fields. See that gorgeous red barn in my rear view mirror? Same view, different perspective.
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